Wednesday 27 April 2011

So an introduction is needed.

Alright? So some back info.
I'm Jess, 21 years old though my 22nd is fast approaching this winter.

I'm kinda single, i guess, but never quite sure when it comes to hmm, well, lets just call him POH this can stand for Possible Other Half he is a relationship-phobe whom i just got back together with after 7months apart.

As for the going somewhere part of my title is that i am currently at a huge cross road in my life (I know cliche right?). I left uni last  year after 2 years of hell on a fashion course where if the teachers hated you they would do anything to get rid of you they eventually won. Luckily though i met my best friend while on the course Rachel I'm sure ill be mentioning her on here a lot. She left the course to last week and has moved back to her home county its been odd not seeing her everyday but more on that in another blog i don't wanna get all lesbian on you in the first one. So back to where i am, I'm currently working full time as a waitress with a "interesting" bunch of people all lovely but some what eclectic none the less. My plan in life has always been get out of my village life and move to London start a job as a Artistic Director Of Photography but that's all been thrown into chaos since leaving Uni with only 2 diploma's in Fine Art and Photography as well as a few family issues (My dads got cancer though he has had his course of radiotherapy, my older sister who i live with is always ill and asleep, my mums just nuts in general and my little sister is oblivious to the world.) right now i don't feel like it would be right to attempt to leave them hence the possibly.

The reason for this is a type of therapy i keep a lot of stuff in my head and since writing a diary I've had a sort of release but I'm totally absent minded and have been known to lose everything so after 3 lost diary's i thought id go digital if that's the correct term my goal is to write on here everyday for a year so i can look back this time next year and see if things have changed (22, settled and living it up in London. maybe?).

My diary manly consists of things i think when very very bored i was asked to write it by Rachel as she started a book on quotes by me (I've been likened to Kyle Pilkington by a scary amount of people.) but its hard for her to continue from an hour away so Im taken over. Like I've already said i am pretty damn absent minded, my mind wonders all the time and my mouth seems to just carry on talking with no thought behind the words that come out.

So hopefully if anyone finds this they will enjoy it, I on the other had and going to carry on writing either way. 

Jess x